Entrance to Enthereos

I was window shopping at CNFT, looking for something related to fractals, mandalas, or kaleidoscope imagery. Some people reference this kind of art as acid-based or trippy art, and they would be correct to a degree. I like the mesmerizing colorations and the motions that show evolving imagery. Generally, things get grotesque, not beautiful once they add trippy or acid. Those images strobe and are jerky and twitchy while moving, which I find unsettling, too many skulls and zombie worms and death with spasmodic neon. I was looking for flow, calmness, ethereal, meditative. More like a lava lamp than a metalhead blacklight poster.

I found some static art. I was hoping to find something that interacted with the viewer. I found art that the owner could engage with initially but was then fixed in time. I found some art that said it was created by AI itself, which was curious and curiouser...I fell right down the EntheosAI rabbit hole.

These were evocative. They fulfilled a sense of rainbow without being neon. They showed movement even in their static state. They were also cheap, only 8 -15 ADA each. I collected a few of the Generative Series, Epochs 1 and 2 off the marketplace, and I prepared to mint Epoch 3. I joined this discord after these had been released, and there were not many active chatters in the space. They moved on from the generative series and closed out that development segment. I would need to move decisively or wait for the next release, “Phoenix,” to happen. Phoenix required burning assets from the e1-3. That meant to literally dissolve them, liquidate the art, to raise the value of Phoenix itself. I couldn’t let art burn before I got to enjoy it. Never been a fan of the burn mechanism.

In the discord, they kept mentioning evolution. If they were gen 3, the static pictures could move without adding evolve to them! Or you could send your e1 & e2 into the evolve queue, and they would get other media added and enhancements and move as well. This is an Epoch 3 that is already animated. We call it "Visualizing the Queen of the Fae." We will be putting it through evolution to see what enhancements will happen. I'll share it in another entry. They take a while to be made, and they aren't ready yet.

Hidden among the epochs minted were NFT’s called signature series. I’ve never seen one, but they are very rare. 

Then they added a Prestige evolve where you could get the latest and greatest renderings from the evolve machine based on 5 keywords you wanted the AI to incorporate. I decided to do one using the phrase: “Penguins Sheep Love Adventure Home.” This is the wonderfully quirky phrase, but you see, we have penguins and sheep (playing Kukri and Satyrs from the Fey Wilde) in our homebrew D&D adventure set in Exandria. We also have 3 accounts for our 1st Penguin and two sheep (Lambie and Wooly) on our Minecraft server that we play as NPC’s in our interactive vanilla tweaks adventuring server. We have artwork depicting them in those settings, and now I wanted one that showed them in NFT’s from the mind of the EntheosAI. Here was the end of that evolve: 

I am not sure how the AI knew the importance of rainbows, but it did create a collage-like image as if the characters had snapped photographs at different adventuring spots. Unfortunately, the imaging was in and of the Fey Wild, so for humans, the composites and colors are blurred and distorted to the human eye, but it’s pretty amazing to have an image from that realm at all. I love it.

Fey Wild Sounds

Then they added Prestige 2, a curated piece from their latest mod. As you know from the journal, I am very light on ADA at this point but was scraping to get as many of these as I could before they were gone. Also, I needed to mint e3. I got enough together to mint Epoch 3 used every last ADA. Epoch 3 is already animated, but you can put them through an enhancement procedure and pick a final render you want to keep for the NFT. You pay a little ADA per image (5-10 ADA a piece), and you could also evolve ones on the marketplace. I sold an NFT. Just one, an OGBear. I know he’s worth more, but I need the ADA.

Then I sent all of the Epochs in my collection except three: the Premier 1 and two statics that I wanted to keep the way they were. The two statics I call "Tree of Life" and "Heart of the Universe." I think they will look lovely printed on metal in my house. 

Visiting the EntheosAI world is so magical, and I plan to continue to see where they take me. Did I mention they have a chatbot? Just visit the discord and chat with the bot; it can be pretty hilarious. BTW, buying one leads to buying several. I own 30 of them now. It must be due to some of the Fey Magic.

More on the project:  Entheos A.I. Art (entheosart.com)

Next: Atok Journal 10 Where am I going?
