What are these little guys?
The basic form, the bold color, some creatures looked sweet, some looked malevolent, and some were a bit of both.
A friend gave me one and said, "Remember, just because you have one doesn't mean you need to buy any others."
I said, "Of course not."
I wandered over to the discord. There were so many people chatting. I was introduced as someone who could tell stories. It was true that I felt I could read what had happened to the creature in front of me with a glance.
Jules isn't the only storied Box box. I was asked to tell the story of this one as well.
Then I met my boy scout. I call him my boy scout because he is wearing green with a yellow, knotted scarf which is traditional in the US for that uniform.
I took one look at that picture, and his story came to me.
This is Jeremy, and he was born with a bit of tail. Like most boys, he came with a mischievous streak. At first, he had a normal devil tail, but when he turned 8, it Glitched Out.
The other box boxes began teasing him; no one knew what a glitch was or what it meant.
Some other boxes started to glitch too. Some had glitched ears, and some had glitched tails and ears. People began rounding up the glitched versions of box boxes into sets. What did it mean?
Jeremy was tired of the bullies, and he took his super-soaker water gun out to douse them once and for all.
No one had told him that water and electricity do not mix. He electrocuted himself and died. That's what it means when your eyes are "x-ed" out. Now he's in whatever passes for box heaven as he has a swirled background and a halo. That's why his face seems sad. Don't worry, Jeremy, I will find another glitched-out box, pair you up, and see what happens in the upcoming event in February.
Here is my current collection; who would you like me to talk about next, or do you want to write a box story to share with me? Please do in the comments.
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