I don't want people thinking Vudu doesn't embrace a full spectrum of behavior. If you are puritanical, you may wish to skip this blog entry. On the other hand, I will keep this blog readable to most, so don't expect it to go too racy on you.
Captain Skelly isn't an authentic sea captain, but he came up with the personality a long time ago, and it grew on him like a fine-aged rum. You'll notice he reps with the skelly crew as he's their manager, helps them get gigs, and introduces them to people who know people.
His heart is in the right place, like a twinkle in his eye. He has a way with the ladies and always has the best weed you can find within hours of the Vuduverse. His pins reflect his broken heart, an aging hip that needs healing, and a life force pin set really low. Having it so low on the body indicates age and time running out. He should probably be doing things to better his health, but he says running with the youth keeps him young.

He is best friends with Canvas Jack, who runs the strip club in the verse. Canvas Jack also keeps young by sporting the mohawk he got in the '80s and gaming on the latest electronics. He chills in the Hawaiian shirt his ex tossed him out with. That's all she tossed him out with, and he's okay with it being his only material possession remaining from that marriage, His ex sure liked the money he made through the club, but ethically she said she couldn't support it. It wasn't like he pimped the girls out. They were dancers. Some did more, but that was on their clock and had nothing to do with him; he never took a cut. Mostly his ex was just jealous. Some of the dancers at the club were just too beautiful; she was afraid he'd cheat. He would never cheat, but now he doesn't have to.
The ladies love him because he is so fair and always looking out for their best interests. Let's meet the ladies!
This is Lucy, at the club her nickname is Juicy Lucy, as she is full of fruity freshness and is so sweet. She has a peppermint eye which means she can mint her own future if she watches for her opportunities.
She is carrying a watermelon, and her halter is light green; she probably hasn't had a chance to realize her future would be more stable with the Melon clan. If we can get her to come over to our wallet, we can move her out of the club scene and into a loving home.
What concerns me is her red pin. She doesn't have much time to be saved. If she stays in this lifestyle, she won't live long.
This is Mint. Not likely her real name, but you can see she has the same eye combo as Lucy and can change her path if she desires. I recommend it when I notice the red pin in her ankle.
She has the broken heart pin, so we know she has loved and lost, and she has the green to the gut pin. I read her loss to be a pregnancy. In fact, I think all the pins came at once. After losing a pregnancy, she found herself at work in the club, and her spouse didn't want her anymore. To cope, she began eating donuts and sugar. Her sugar became cocaine, and her body is pretty full of it.
The donut is always the indicator of addiction to me, but what's intriguing is the sprinkles themselves. Let's take a closer look.
These sprinkles are ADA! So, in reality, she both craves and consumes money.
Poor Mint. While she is very popular at the club, her marshmallow body is in high demand, and her needs are easy to meet; she needs a detox if she doesn't want her red pin to be final.
One of the club patrons is Jimmy James. He is a big fan of our ladies, but he's usually here to try and get a date with Nikki, or he's trying to get Canvas Jack to introduce him to Captain Skelly for some excellent bud or a record deal.
James fancies himself a rapper, a player, a dude who has skillz, just trying to get his 15 minutes because afterward, he's gonna blow up, you know what I mean? Here's Jimmy with his latest rap for review:
"I'm Jimmy James of Cardano Block Chains
I got a taste for sweets, and I lay hasty beats
but I won't get either till I get off the streets
So I gave my word, I'll be good for the crew I
don't just rep me; I rep Brigada VUDU
I got pins in my side, and I ain't lyin',
you cross some folks when you just be tryin'
but I'll watch your back, and you better watch mine, neither of us be doin' any time.
I don't toss mitts less I know I can win,
so if I step up, you better wipe that grin.
You'll be goin' down. Like my frown, upside down
'cause I don't walk away, and I ain't here to play.
YO! WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jimmy James). I said, What's my name? You say, Jimmy James!
Jimmy usually slides into a propped-up head, side position on the ground at the ending of his verses. He's hoping to be just slightly under Nikki, but she's wise to his games.
Nikki has always been Jimmy's favorite performer; her soft marshmallow skin and pure ivory tone carry any number of costumes delightfully, but his favorite is the feminine pink halter she is wearing today. Her current shocking cyan locks are a change from the pink ones last week, but he likes them better. As one of the few performers who provide content via VR, Jimmy counts on the added connectivity when he can't be at the club. It's so personal, especially what she can do with a banana. It's common knowledge that she is the direct inspiration for Prince's song Darling Nikki. Prince even filled the official music video in her hometown. Since his death, she hasn't quite been the same; it might be time for her to retire. Not to worry for Canvas Jacks Club, though. Many ladies are ready to work the poles and cruise for tips serving drinks and lap dances. Canvas Jack does a lot of sweeping when the floor is low.
I met Pippa in the Red Lounge. It's in the club's back, and you need an over 21 pass to enter. Pippa is both a curator of weed and a matron to the girls. Her sage advice has counseled many. She used to be a halter girl when she was younger but has definitely moved into a more managerial position. Some even call her the connoisseur of cats. I didn't see any cats in the building, but I am sure I simply misunderstood something. She told me that the club would be just fine if the ladies wanted to join my wallet. She did have a favor to ask. She wanted me to look after one of the orphaned boys in the group home adjacent to the club. Pippa had recently learned that his parents would not regain custody, and she felt maybe he would be better of with me, a collector of art. Would I be interested in learning about Vincent?
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